Episode 00 – The Beginning

Episode Description:

Management To Be Determined is a business podcast about creative and business challenges faced by entrepreneurs, managers, owners, and executives in the audiovisual, film, music, and creative services industries. In this first episode you’ll hear about making decisions and get a glimpse of episodes to come. You’ll learn about the topics, the people, the music, the stories, and what you’ll enjoy from listening.     


The Podcast Band:  David (lead vocal), Byron Warner on Announcing, Matt Buckner on Website, and Steve Johnson in the Nashville Studio

Music: Tyler Sorenson and the band Oweda, https://owedamusic.com/music/

References: Martin More, “How To Make Great Decisions, Quickly”, https://hbr.org/2022/03/how-to-make-great-decisions-quickly

Management To Be Determined
Management To Be Determined
Episode 00 - The Beginning