Business Management Consulting
Consulting is performed in many ways. At the McNutt Group we work with management to define problems, small and large, that affect the performance of the business by asking lots of questions about your company. It may be a small problem; it could develop into a larger one. We work with you to describe what you feel is the issue and then create a scope of work to discover the key questions that need to be answered in order to find a path for solution/improvement.
Company Performance Assessment
A comprehensive analysis of your company from multiple perspectives. Processes, how they are documented and followed, and results of your strategy, methods and performance directions. The tools we use are:
Interviews with executive management
A document review of policies and processes you use to run your business
An onsite visit you to see your facilities and interview selected staff
An on-line survey of employees
Our report to management
Candid, direct, and objective observations about what we learned
Recommended and prioritized improvement actions
How we could help, should you choose to engage us
Estimated time required and duration of selected deliverables and initiatives
Methods we would use and next steps
Interim Executive Management
Sometimes a business challenge requires a longer-term focus on the performance of a business, depending on the composition of ownership and management. On occasion there exists a need for an outside individual to help plan and execute internal changes or implement strategies for larger, more corporate goals. This is usually a result of a comprehensive Company Performance Assessment, but not always.
Public Speaking
Companies are always holding summits, annual meetings, executive conferences that are in need of an outside speaker to bring new thought, energy and focus to their strategic goals. David McNutt is an accomplished writer, course developer and speaker on many business topics. A brief discussion might lead to a great outcome for your event.
David McNutt works with many companies where managers/owners need periodic or on-going help with next steps. Some of the steps are small, some require a longer period of time in how to implement.